"Another Auld Lang Syne: Just Learning as I Go..."

So, I guess I never get any better at updating this journal more regularly! Here we are at the end of another year. Can you believe it? While the year has seemed long in some respects with its changes and challenges, in others, I feel as if it has flown by, like a whispering breeze on a summer's eve. I think I say that because I have many lasting memories of moments this summer, which went way too quickly, and of this year in general. I hope your year has been fabulous in one way or another. Sometimes we have years where big, happy things overwhelm us and cause celebration, and others are marked with sorrow, where the little moments of happiness are accentuated by the deep contrast of pain. I pray that, whatever happened this year in your life, you have found moments of happiness and joy and remembered the blessing of life itself.

I find myself in that place right now a grateful place, and what a reflective and humbling place that is to be. Among many things, I've had the opportunity to meet and work with some fantastic musicians and make friendships that will take me into a new year full of new adventures. I've changed how I look at things even more this year, another blessing. We so often look at unfamiliar things with fear of the unknown instead of facing them as adventures -- moments to really feel alive and breathe in a fresh breath.

At some points in our lives, we all long for something different, pray for a break in our routine, but then we shy away from it when it confronts us and calls our names. I've learned that we can either grit our teeth and get through the ride or we can throw up our hands and let the ride thrill us with each unexpected turn. The outcome will be the same, for "it's a great and terrible and short and endless thing and none of us come out of it alive." but the difference for each of us will be how we chose to live within each moment. I've always known this and tried to live by it, but I'm learning the truth of living it on a new level than before. It's amazing how many Christmas stories confront us with this truth. We watch year after year as Scrooge looks back on his life in regret, and Mr. Bailey realizes what a difference his one life has made on so many others. The key to all of these Christmas stories is that it is never too late to change how we see things and how we choose to show love. Every moment holds a chance to make a lasting impression...

And, speaking of adventures in life, I should tell you that I've got a new project or two in the works, which I'll hopefully be telling you more about in the near future. I'm very excited about all of the new opportunities I have been given this year and am so happy that I can do what I love to do and share it with all of you.

Thanks again for all of your support and prayers and for passing the word about my music on to others. It means so much and is at the heart of how this music thing gets done. We'll post new pictures as events happen and update you, as usual, on the News page and Calendar. Keep a look out.

I hope your holidays bring blessings; your new year, unexpected joys in unexpected ways... Let go of your expectations, let life surprise you, and, good or bad, greet each day with a grateful heart...

Find the wonder in your wander... ~Tara
(*quote from P.S. I Love You 2007)

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