Celebrating the Season...

Here I sit again, realizing how long it's been since I've written any new tidbits for this 'notes' section. I figure it's a good time to catch up on these things as I'm snowed-in on a Sunday morning, having awakened with all intentions of going to church and then getting a glimpse of the nearly white-out conditions. Oh well...

To re-cap on the last two months, I've been busy as usual, and we've had the added interest of having the coldest and most snowy November we've had in quite some time. (We're certainly used to feet of snow at a time, but not until December, at least.)

I've had a great time at our Michaelangelo's dates so far! Thanks to those of you who came out to see us and to enjoy the cozy, yet chic, atmosphere in the wine bar. The warm fire and low lighting make for a relaxing time on a blustery evening, and the food is fabulous & unique. (Thanks to Michael for sharing some of your gourmet pasta treats with us!)

This past Sunday was our appearance at Eton, kicking off their Holiday Season. The acoustics there are amazing and really allowed the music to soar. I enjoyed it tremendously and loved seeing some familiar faces as we performed over two hours' worth of my favorite Christmas songs. (Special thanks to my mom and Lisa for the pictures of the performance at Eton in the gallery.)

Well, I should go for now... Perhaps, I'll see you out at Michaelangelo's this week for some Christmas music. I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving and can take a little time to enjoy the beauty of this sacred season amidst the hustle and bustle of all that Christmas brings...

Until we meet again, ~Tara

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