Hope Springs Eternal...

The year is flying by already with the quiet hope of summer's coming whistling in the wind... the quiet hope of things to come... With the season's change, the opportunity comes along for us to re-think, re-focus, and try new things so I thought I'd catch you up with the new things going on here.

I'm so excited to have the new tracks up on the website! Thanks to all of you who have sent your comments! It's always great to hear feedback about the things I'm working so hard to create. We've got some more tracks and things in the works, as always, and greatly appreciate your support and kind comments, ideas and suggestions.

On that note, please take a few moments and sign the guestbook! It's been so fun to see the comments, and it will be great to have some of the wonderful things you send us/tell us about the music, performances, etc. on the site. The more the merrier! :o)

Another note of news: We will be playing at FashionWeek Cleveland 2009's Black Tie Gala. I'm really excited about being part of this event - it's such a great opportunity and should be a fun evening. It seems like it's been a little while since I was part of the fashion scene in Cleveland - maybe I'll run into some people I used to do fashion shows/shoots with...Who knows?

As a prelude to that event, we attended the FashionWeek Cleveland "Meet the Designers" VIP Party at XO Steakhouse downtown on April 17th. It was a perfect excuse to put on a new cocktail dress I'd had hanging in my closet for quite some time and eat some delicious hors d'oeuvres. (Their mint chocolate mini-cakes were fantastic! Picture the goodness of Thin Mint cookies made into a gourmet treat...yum...)

Weather-wise, it was such a lovely evening for mid-April! The night brought out the fashionable side of Clevelanders from all sides of town, who converged and walked through the Warehouse District streets, making our own Mid-Western city feel like a big NYC scene of fashion, surreptitiously over-priced drinks, and perfectly good, gentle lighting (indoors and out, but of course)...

That's about all for now, I guess... The Laurello Vineyards gig was a lot of fun on Saturday - a busy evening and a great crowd. I'm staying busy, adding more songs to my playlist, and gearing up for the 2009 patio season, which will soon be upon us! Keep checking back! We'll have more news for you soon...

Warmest spring wishes to you all, ~Tara

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