"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies..."

So, as most of you have noticed in the news section, there have been some major changes in the last couple of months. It's hard to adjust to major changes, isn't it? I love Meg Ryan's line from You've Got Mail: "People are always telling me that change is a good thing, but all they're really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all has happened."

Sometimes that's how I feel about major transitions in life, but yet I know that change, even though we may not have wanted it to happen, may be the vehicle for bringing something new and wonderful into our lives something that could not have happened had the change not occurred. As I have mentioned, I really do believe that God has everything in His care, including my life and love of singing and music. I'm learning lessons of trusting in God and letting go - letting go of fear of the unknown and taking time for reflection and giving thanks. Singer/Songwriter India.Arie puts it so well: "I have learned that you must be willing to let things and people go to really enjoy them being in your life."

Therefore, I really am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead - building on the past, yet looking forward with hope toward the future! I wish I could share them all with you now, but, in time, as I am able to do so and as things happen in more certain terms, I will do my best to keep you all posted each step of the way. Please continue to support me by calling in to the radio stations listed on the website and requesting me! It's hard to keep momentum sometimes in this crazy music world, but, with your help, it can happen! It's so great that you keep checking back here and continue to tell others of my website and music. I hope you will continue this great journey with me...

From my passionately musical heart, ~Tara

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