Singing in the Rain...

It's Monday morning after quite the busy weekend! We performed at The 100th Bomb Group Restaurant on Friday to a full house (or maybe I should say 'a full deck?' :-) ). It was a great evening, watching the planes land and singing underneath the clear sky. We could even see the fireworks in the distance from downtown.

Then, we turned around and went east to Leo's on Saturday. It was our first rainy patio gig, (we've been so blessed with lovely weather) and, let me tell you, it rained...and stopped...and rained harder and harder. We wound up in a puddle a couple of times, and, with each rain, we inched our equipment farther underneath the awning.

The evening wasn't a total wash, literally, however. We did get to perform for a total of 2 hours out of the 4 we were scheduled to do, and the people who came out really let us know they were enjoying the music. That always makes it worthwhile! Thanks to everyone who stuck it out with us despite the frequent delays!

See you on a patio somewhere soon... ~Tara

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