Up, Up and Away...

I'm sitting here listening to the sounds of a hot air balloon pass over my house. Its slow descent makes subtle but strange sound effects for the sunset on a nearly perfect summer's day. So many things to do and to see in a lifetime! (I'm going to hitch a ride in one of those balloons, one of these days...) What a blessing to witness such beauty - man-made beauty floating through an incredible, God-created sky.

Speaking of blessings, we have been so happy to have had so many wonderful patio dates this summer! Seeing so many familiar faces and meeting so many new ones has been such a pleasure. It's a lot of work, setting up and tearing down, but the middle part- making music for people to enjoy - is what makes it worth it.

We only have a couple of scheduled patio dates left for this year! So, come out and see us if you can! We hope to have more dates soon to begin our fall season. Keep checking back and we'll see you somewhere; I'm sure of it...


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