"I am not afraid...I was born to do this."

I am not afraid...I was born to do this

I finally got a letter board! Can you guess the person who said this? Ok, I'll tell you. It was Joan of Arc.

It’s been a bit of an extra rough spell recently with my health. That’s one of the reasons you haven’t heard from me as much (or really at all) lately. But even when we aren’t seen (a topic I mean to write on soon) day by day, we go on. We learn and we grow through trial and suffering. Sometimes the growing is painful and feels more like being torn apart than becoming renewed. But there are glimpses of joy and answers to prayer along the way. And we know nothing great in our lives is ever born of ease. I really want to try to be better at sharing at least some of the joy from these past months with you as the future unfolds and even some of the trials and new treatments too. (It’s a cold-weather resolution. ?)

To all of you struggling with chronic illness, or just chronically struggling in some way, and to all of you have big dreams: remember that these things aren’t mutually exclusive. God can use our struggles to fulfill our dreams, or even to give us new dreams, as counter intuitive as it may seem while in the midst of it all. We just have to keep the faith, keep walking the road, and keep reaching out to help those around us. If we’re still here, He’s not finished with us yet... Stay strong. Keep dreaming. Keep loving.♥️



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